10 best lures for Arapaima fishing

Fishing Lures

Arapaima, also known as the “pirarucu”, is a large freshwater fish found in the Amazon Basin of South America. These fish are known to be aggressive feeders, but they can also be quite selective in their feeding habits.

Here are some effective baits for Arapaima fishing:

  1. Live bait: One of the most effective baits for Arapaima fishing is live bait, such as small fish or shrimp. The Arapaima is a predatory fish and will go after live bait that is presented properly.
  2. Dead bait: If you are unable to use live bait, you can also use dead bait such as fish or chicken parts. Cut the bait into small pieces and attach it to a hook using a strong leader.
  3. Lures: Arapaima can also be caught using lures such as topwater plugs or jerkbaits. Use lures that mimic the fish or prey that Arapaima feed on, such as small fish or frogs.
  4. Flies: Fly fishing for Arapaima can be very effective. Use large, heavy flies that imitate the fish or prey that Arapaima feed on. Cast the fly near submerged logs or other structures where Arapaima are likely to be hiding.

It’s important to note that Arapaima are a protected species in many areas and regulations regarding their fishing can vary. Be sure to check with local authorities before fishing for Arapaima and follow all rules and regulations.

10 best lures for Arapaima

Here are the top 10 lures for arapaima fishing, along with some recommended brands:

  1. Rapala X-Rap Magnum – Model XRMAG20 – This lure has a long-casting design and a realistic swimming action that can attract arapaima.
  2. Yo-Zuri Crystal 3D Minnow – This bait has a 3D prism finish that reflects light and creates a lifelike appearance in the water, making it a popular choice for arapaima fishing.
  3. Bomber Long A Fishing Lure – This lure has a slender design and a realistic swimming action that can entice arapaima to strike.
  4. Savage Gear 3D Rat – This lure is designed to imitate a rat swimming on the surface of the water, making it an excellent choice for topwater fishing for arapaima.
  5. Spro BBZ-1 Rat – Another rat imitation lure, the Spro BBZ-1 Rat has a lifelike appearance and a slow, enticing swimming action.
  6. Storm Wildeye Swim Shad – This soft plastic bait has a realistic appearance and a lifelike swimming action that can attract arapaima.
  7. Halco Roosta Popper – This popper has a cupped face that creates a loud popping sound, which can be effective for attracting arapaima to the surface.
  8. Sebile Magic Swimmer – This lure has a lifelike swimming action that can entice arapaima to strike, and it comes in a variety of sizes and colors.
  9. LIVETARGET Sunfish Hollow Body – This soft plastic bait imitates a sunfish swimming on the surface of the water, and its realistic appearance can be effective for catching arapaima.
  10. Megabass Ito Vision 110 – This suspending jerkbait has a realistic appearance and a unique swimming action that can trigger strikes from arapaima.

Rapala X-Rap Magnum – Model XRMAG20

The Rapala X-Rap Magnum is a popular lure among anglers for targeting large predatory fish, including Arapaima. The X-Rap Magnum series is known for its durable construction and lifelike swimming action, making it effective in enticing strikes from aggressive fish.

The specific model you mentioned, XRMAG20, refers to the X-Rap Magnum 20 size. The number “20” typically indicates the lure’s length in centimeters or inches. However, without precise information on the size options of the X-Rap Magnum series, I can’t provide the exact length of the XRMAG20.

When fishing for Arapaima, it’s important to consider the size of the lure relative to the fish’s prey and the conditions you’re fishing in. Arapaima are known to feed on smaller fish, so using a lure that mimics their natural prey can increase your chances of success.

Additionally, the fishing techniques employed for Arapaima may vary depending on the location and specific circumstances. Arapaima are typically found in tropical freshwater environments such as the Amazon Basin, and fishing for them often involves casting near structure, such as fallen trees or submerged vegetation.

It’s recommended to consult with local anglers, fishing guides, or experts familiar with Arapaima fishing in your specific location to get the most accurate and up-to-date advice on tackle, lures, and techniques that work best for targeting these impressive fish.

Durability: The X-Rap Magnum XRMAG20 is constructed with high-quality materials, including a durable outer shell and heavy-duty hardware. This makes it suitable for targeting large and aggressive saltwater species.

Realistic Design: The lure features a realistic baitfish profile and finishes that mimic natural prey, attracting the attention of predatory fish. The lifelike 3D eyes and textured scales add to its appeal.

Versatility: The XRMAG20 can be used for various fishing techniques, including casting, trolling, or jigging. Its design allows for both shallow and deep-water applications, making it suitable for different fishing conditions.

Diving Depth: This model is designed to dive deep, reaching depths of up to 20 feet when trolled. This feature makes it ideal for targeting fish that inhabit deeper waters or are holding in specific depth zones.

Attractive Action: The X-Rap Magnum XRMAG20 has a responsive and enticing action. It features a hard-cutting, aggressive swimming motion combined with a rolling and darting action, which can trigger predatory instincts in fish.
Size and Weight: The XRMAG20 is a relatively large and heavy lure. While this can be an advantage when targeting bigger fish, it may not be as suitable for smaller or less aggressive species. It requires a sturdier fishing rod and reel setup to handle its weight.

Cost: Compared to some other fishing lures, the X-Rap Magnum XRMAG20 is relatively more expensive. The higher price point may deter some anglers who are looking for more budget-friendly options.

Limited Color Selection: Although the XRMAG20 comes in various color options, the selection is not as extensive as some other lure models. This may limit the angler’s ability to match the baitfish patterns or preferences of the targeted fish species in certain conditions.

Complexity: The XRMAG20 has multiple treble hooks attached to it, which increases the chances of snagging on underwater structures or vegetation. This complexity can make it more difficult to retrieve the lure without getting it caught.

Yo-Zuri Crystal 3D Minnow

The Yo-Zuri Crystal 3D Minnow is a popular fishing lure known for its realistic appearance and effective swimming action. While it can be used for various types of fishing, including freshwater and saltwater, it may not be the most suitable choice for targeting Arapaima.

Arapaima are massive freshwater fish native to the Amazon Basin and are known for their size and strength. They primarily feed on live bait such as small fish, crustaceans, and insects. When targeting Arapaima, anglers often prefer using large, natural bait like live fish or large artificial lures designed specifically for these powerful fish.

While the Yo-Zuri Crystal 3D Minnow may attract some smaller fish species in the Amazon, it may not be able to withstand the force and aggression of an Arapaima strike. Additionally, Arapaima have bony mouths, which can make it challenging for lures to hook securely.

Realistic Design: The Crystal 3D Minnow is designed to mimic the appearance and swimming action of a real baitfish. It features a detailed, translucent body with 3D holographic eyes, creating a lifelike presentation that can entice predatory fish.

Durable Construction: This lure is made with high-quality materials, including a tough outer shell and strong treble hooks. It is built to withstand the challenges of saltwater and freshwater fishing, making it a reliable choice for anglers.

Versatility: The Crystal 3D Minnow is suitable for various fishing techniques, such as casting, trolling, or twitching. It can be used in both shallow and deeper waters, allowing anglers to target a wide range of fish species in different environments.

Attractive Action: The lure has a responsive and realistic swimming action that mimics a wounded or fleeing baitfish. Its tight wiggling and rolling motion create vibrations in the water, attracting the attention of nearby fish.

Color Options: The Crystal 3D Minnow is available in a variety of colors, allowing anglers to match the baitfish patterns and preferences of their targeted fish species. This versatility can increase the lure’s effectiveness in different fishing conditions.
Size Range: The Crystal 3D Minnow is available in various sizes, but the range might not be as extensive compared to some other lure models. This can limit the angler’s ability to precisely match the size of the natural baitfish or the preferred size of the target species.

Weight: Some anglers may find that the Crystal 3D Minnow is relatively light, especially in larger sizes. This can make it more challenging to cast long distances or to reach desired depths when trolling.

Hook Quality: While the Crystal 3D Minnow comes with treble hooks, some anglers have reported that the hooks may not be as sharp or durable as desired. Replacing the hooks with higher quality ones can be an option to enhance the lure’s performance.

Limited Depth Range: Although the Crystal 3D Minnow can be used in both shallow and deeper waters, it may not reach extreme depths compared to lures specifically designed for deep-water fishing. It is more suitable for fishing at moderate depths.

Bomber Long A Fishing Lure

The Bomber Long A fishing lure is a popular choice for targeting various freshwater and saltwater species, but it may not be the most suitable option for Arapaima fishing. Arapaima are massive fish native to the Amazon Basin and are known for their size, strength, and predatory behavior.

When targeting Arapaima, it’s generally recommended to use larger, more durable lures that can handle the size and power of these fish. The Bomber Long A lure is relatively smaller and primarily designed for attracting and catching species like bass, trout, and other smaller game fish.

For Arapaima fishing, you’ll want to consider using heavy-duty lures that mimic the natural prey of these fish, such as large swimbaits, topwater lures, or even live or dead baitfish. These lures should be sturdy enough to withstand the powerful strikes and intense fights that Arapaima can provide.

Versatility: The Bomber Long A is a versatile lure that can be used for various fishing techniques, including casting, trolling, and twitching. It can be effective in both freshwater and saltwater environments, making it suitable for targeting a wide range of fish species.

Realistic Action: The Long A lure features a tight, erratic wiggling action that imitates the movement of a wounded baitfish. This realistic swimming motion can trigger predatory instincts in fish and entice them to strike.

Durable Construction: The lure is constructed with sturdy materials, including a tough outer shell and strong treble hooks. It is designed to withstand the challenges of fishing, such as toothy fish or rocky structures, ensuring its durability and longevity.

Long Casting Distance: The streamlined shape and weight distribution of the Long A allow for long and accurate casts. This is particularly advantageous when fishing in open water or when trying to reach specific areas where fish may be holding.

Color Selection: The Bomber Long A is available in a wide range of colors and patterns. This allows anglers to select the most appropriate color based on the prevailing water and light conditions, increasing the lure’s effectiveness.
Limited Depth Range: The Long A is primarily designed for fishing in the topwater and midwater column. It does not have a built-in mechanism for reaching extreme depths, making it less suitable for deep-water fishing or targeting fish holding deep in the water column.

Floating Design: The Long A lure is primarily a floating lure, which means it stays near the water’s surface unless retrieved with specific techniques. This limits its effectiveness in situations where fish are actively feeding near the bottom or in deeper water layers.

Single Hook Configuration: Unlike some other lure models that come with multiple treble hooks, the Long A typically features a single treble hook at the rear. While this can reduce the chances of snagging on underwater structures, it may slightly decrease the hooking efficiency.

Size Range: The Bomber Long A is available in various sizes, but the range might not be as extensive compared to some other lure models. This can limit the angler’s ability to precisely match the size of the natural baitfish or the preferred size of the target species.

Savage Gear 3D Rat

The Savage Gear 3D Rat is a lifelike topwater fishing lure that mimics a rat, making it an interesting option for targeting Arapaima. Arapaima are known to be opportunistic predators and will often strike at surface-dwelling prey, including small mammals, birds, and fish that venture near the water’s surface.

The Savage Gear 3D Rat lure features a realistic design, including lifelike fur, and it is designed to create a commotion on the water’s surface. This type of action can entice predatory fish like Arapaima to strike.

When using the Savage Gear 3D Rat for Arapaima fishing, it’s important to consider the size and weight of the lure. Arapaima can grow to immense sizes, reaching lengths of over 10 feet and weighing several hundred pounds. Therefore, you’ll want to choose the larger sizes of the Savage Gear 3D Rat to match the potential prey size that Arapaima typically go after.

Additionally, it’s crucial to use heavy-duty fishing tackle, including strong rods, reels, and line, to handle the power and size of Arapaima. These fish are known for their strong runs and acrobatic leaps, so robust equipment is essential for a successful catch.

Realistic Design: The 3D Rat lure features a lifelike appearance, complete with detailed fur texture, realistic colors, and 3D eyes. This level of realism can make it highly enticing to predatory fish species that prey on rodents or are triggered by surface disturbances.

Topwater Action: The lure is designed to float on the water’s surface, producing a realistic swimming motion when retrieved. Its unique paddle-style feet create a splashing and kicking action that mimics a rat’s struggle, attracting the attention of nearby fish.

Versatility: The Savage Gear 3D Rat can be used in both freshwater and saltwater environments, making it suitable for targeting a wide range of fish species. It is particularly effective for bass, pike, musky, and other predator fish that are known to feed on rodents.

Durable Construction: This lure is built with durable materials that can withstand the challenges of fishing, including toothy fish and rough conditions. It is designed to be durable and long-lasting, providing value for its price.

Size Options: The 3D Rat is available in various sizes, allowing anglers to choose the appropriate size based on the targeted fish species and local conditions. This versatility in size selection increases the lure’s effectiveness in different fishing situations.
Limited Depth Range: The 3D Rat is primarily a topwater lure and is most effective when retrieved on the water’s surface. It is not designed for deep-water fishing or targeting fish holding deep in the water column.

Limited Species Attraction: While the 3D Rat can attract a wide range of predator fish species, its design specifically targets fish that feed on rodents. It may be less effective for species that do not have a natural inclination to prey on rats or similar-sized mammals.

Prone to Snagging: The lure’s design, with its paddle-style feet, can increase the chances of getting snagged on underwater structures, vegetation, or debris. Careful retrieval techniques and selecting fishing locations with fewer obstacles can help mitigate this issue.

Retrieval Technique: The realistic action of the 3D Rat lure requires a specific retrieval technique to maximize its effectiveness. Anglers may need to practice and experiment with different retrieval speeds and patterns to find the optimal presentation for the target species.

Spro BBZ-1 Rat

The Spro BBZ-1 Rat is another popular topwater fishing lure that imitates a rat and can be used for targeting Arapaima. Similar to the Savage Gear 3D Rat, the BBZ-1 Rat is designed to create a realistic surface disturbance and entice predatory fish to strike.

The Spro BBZ-1 Rat is available in different sizes and color patterns, allowing you to choose the appropriate size that matches the potential prey size of Arapaima. It’s essential to consider the size of the Arapaima in the specific fishing location you’re targeting, as some areas may have larger Arapaima than others.

When using the BBZ-1 Rat for Arapaima, it’s crucial to pair it with heavy-duty fishing equipment. Arapaima are powerful fish known for their strong runs and acrobatic leaps, so you’ll need sturdy rods, reels, and line capable of handling their size and strength.

Realistic Design: The BBZ-1 Rat lure features a realistic rat profile, complete with textured fur, lifelike colors, and detailed features. Its realistic design can effectively attract predator fish that are triggered by surface disturbances or prey on rodents.

Topwater Action: The lure is designed to float on the water’s surface, creating a realistic swimming and splashing action when retrieved. This topwater action can trigger aggressive strikes from predatory fish that are actively feeding near the surface.

Durability: The BBZ-1 Rat is constructed with durable materials to withstand the challenges of fishing, including toothy fish and rough conditions. It is designed to be sturdy and long-lasting, providing anglers with reliable performance.

Versatility: This lure can be used in both freshwater and saltwater environments, making it suitable for targeting a variety of fish species. It is particularly effective for bass, pike, musky, and other predator fish that feed on rodents or are enticed by topwater presentations.

Multiple Retrieve Styles: The BBZ-1 Rat offers versatility in retrieve styles. It can be fished with a steady retrieve, a stop-and-go technique, or a walk-the-dog action, allowing anglers to experiment and find the most effective presentation for the targeted species.
Limited Depth Range: The BBZ-1 Rat is primarily a topwater lure, designed for fishing on the water’s surface or just below it. It is not suitable for deep-water fishing or targeting fish holding deep in the water column.

Size Options: The BBZ-1 Rat is available in various sizes, but the range might not be as extensive compared to some other lure models. This can limit the angler’s ability to precisely match the size of the natural rodents or the preferred size of the target species.

Snagging Potential: The lure’s design, with its extended legs and tail, can increase the chances of getting snagged on underwater structures, vegetation, or debris. Careful retrieval techniques and selecting fishing locations with fewer obstacles can help minimize this risk.

Limited Species Attraction: While the BBZ-1 Rat can attract a variety of predator fish species, its design specifically targets fish that feed on rodents. It may be less effective for species that do not have a natural inclination to prey on rats or similar-sized mammals.

Storm Wildeye Swim Shad

The Storm Wildeye Swim Shad is a soft plastic fishing lure that is designed to imitate a shad or other small baitfish. It is a versatile lure that can be fished in a variety of ways, including as a swimbait or jig trailer.

The Storm Wildeye Swim Shad features a realistic design that is molded to resemble a live shad, with lifelike details such as scales and eyes. The lure has a soft, durable body that is designed to provide a natural swimming action when retrieved, as well as a holographic insert that creates a realistic flash of light to attract fish.

The lure is typically rigged with a jig head or swimbait hook, depending on the fishing situation and target species. Anglers can fish the Storm Wildeye Swim Shad by casting it out and retrieving it in a steady, rhythmic motion to create the appearance of a swimming baitfish.

The Storm Wildeye Swim Shad is particularly effective for targeting species such as bass, walleye, and pike that are known to feed on small baitfish. It is a popular lure among anglers due to its realistic design and versatility, and it can be a great addition to any angler’s tackle box.

Realistic Design: The Wildeye Swim Shad features a realistic baitfish profile, complete with textured body, lifelike colors, and 3D holographic eyes. Its design mimics the appearance of a natural prey fish, making it highly attractive to predatory species.

Lifelike Swimming Action: The lure’s paddle tail and body shape create a lifelike swimming action when retrieved. The tail kicks and flutters, imitating the movement of a real fish and attracting the attention of nearby predator fish.

Versatility: The Swim Shad can be used in various fishing techniques, including casting, jigging, and trolling. It is effective in both freshwater and saltwater environments, making it suitable for targeting a wide range of fish species.

Durable Construction: The lure is made from durable soft plastic material that can withstand multiple strikes and the teeth of predatory fish. It is designed to be long-lasting, allowing anglers to get multiple uses out of each lure.

Natural Attractant: The Swim Shad is often infused with fish attractants or scents that can enhance its effectiveness. This can help draw in fish that rely on scent cues to locate their prey.
Fragile Body: While the soft plastic material provides a realistic swimming action, it can also be prone to tearing or damage after extended use or encounters with sharp objects. Regular inspection and maintenance are needed to ensure the lure remains intact.

Limited Durability of Tail: The paddle tail, which creates the lure’s swimming action, may wear out or tear after prolonged use. This can affect the lure’s swimming action and overall effectiveness. Replacing the tail or using a replacement body may be necessary.

Limited Size and Color Range: The Swim Shad is available in a range of sizes and colors, but the selection might not be as extensive compared to some other lure models. This can limit the angler’s ability to precisely match the size and color of the natural baitfish in different fishing conditions.

Weighted Hook Required: The Swim Shad may require the use of a weighted hook to achieve the desired sinking or swimming depth. This adds an additional component to the rigging process and may require anglers to purchase specific hooks.

Halco Roosta Popper

The Halco Roosta Popper is a topwater fishing lure that is designed to create a loud popping noise and a large splash when retrieved. It is a versatile lure that can be fished in a variety of ways, including as a popper or a surface walker.

The Halco Roosta Popper features a cupped face that is designed to create a loud popping noise and a large splash when retrieved. The lure has a durable, hard body that is designed to withstand the rigors of fishing, as well as treble hooks that are positioned to ensure a high hookup rate when a fish strikes.

Anglers can fish the Halco Roosta Popper by casting it out and using a popping or walking retrieve to create the desired action. The lure’s cupped face creates a loud popping noise and a large splash, which can be very effective in attracting predatory fish species.

The Halco Roosta Popper is particularly effective for targeting species such as tuna, mahi-mahi, and giant trevally that are known to feed on topwater prey. It is a popular lure among anglers due to its ability to create a commotion on the surface of the water and attract aggressive strikes.

Pop and Splash Action: The Roosta Popper is designed to create a loud popping and splashing action on the water’s surface when retrieved. This action mimics a distressed or fleeing baitfish, attracting the attention of nearby predator fish.

Versatility: The Roosta Popper is effective for targeting a wide range of predatory fish species, including bass, pike, musky, snook, and more. It can be used in both freshwater and saltwater environments, making it a versatile option for anglers.

Durable Construction: The lure is built with durable materials, including a strong plastic body and corrosion-resistant hooks. It is designed to withstand the strikes of aggressive fish, as well as the rigors of saltwater and freshwater fishing.

Long Casting Distance: The Roosta Popper’s aerodynamic design and weighted body allow for long and accurate casts. This is particularly advantageous when fishing in open water or trying to reach specific feeding zones.

Color Options: The Roosta Popper is available in a variety of colors, allowing anglers to choose the most appropriate color based on the prevailing water and light conditions. This versatility can increase the lure’s effectiveness in different fishing situations.
Limited Subsurface Action: While the Roosta Popper excels in creating surface commotion, it has limited action beneath the water’s surface. It may not be as effective in situations where fish are holding deeper or not actively feeding near the surface.

Relatively Large Size: The Roosta Popper is typically a larger lure, which may not be suitable for targeting smaller fish species or in situations where fish are primarily feeding on smaller baitfish. It may limit the angler’s ability to precisely match the size of the natural prey.

Limited Depth Control: The Roosta Popper is primarily designed for surface fishing and may not have as much control over depth compared to lures specifically designed for deeper water or suspended fish. It is more effective when fish are actively feeding near the surface.

Retrieve Technique: The Roosta Popper requires a specific retrieve technique to maximize its effectiveness. It requires a rhythmic popping and pausing action to imitate the movement of a distressed baitfish. Anglers may need to practice and experiment with different retrieval speeds and patterns to find the optimal presentation.

Sebile Magic Swimmer

The Sebile Magic Swimmer is a popular fishing lure known for its realistic swimming action, versatility, and effectiveness in targeting various species of fish. While the lure can be used for a wide range of fishing applications, including freshwater and saltwater fishing, it can certainly be effective for targeting arapaima as well.

The Sebile Magic Swimmer can be a suitable choice for arapaima fishing due to its lifelike swimming action and the ability to mimic the movement of smaller fish or other prey items that arapaima feed on. The lure is designed to imitate the natural swimming motion of baitfish, which can trigger a predatory response from arapaima.

Here are a few tips for using the Sebile Magic Swimmer for arapaima fishing:

  1. Size and Color Selection: Choose a Magic Swimmer lure size and color that closely matches the size and coloration of the baitfish or prey that arapaima commonly feed on. Opt for larger-sized lures to match the arapaima’s preferred prey size.
  2. Retrieve Technique: Experiment with different retrieval techniques to imitate the movement of injured or fleeing prey. Vary the speed, depth, and pauses during your retrieve to entice arapaima to strike.
  3. Target Structure and Cover: Arapaima are often found near submerged logs, fallen trees, or other forms of structure. Cast your lure near these areas and work it around the structure to increase your chances of attracting arapaima.
  4. Use Heavy-Duty Gear: Given the size and strength of arapaima, it’s crucial to use heavy-duty fishing gear, including a strong rod, reel, and line. Make sure your equipment is capable of handling the intense fights that arapaima are known for.
Realistic swimming action: The Sebile Magic Swimmer is designed to mimic the natural swimming motion of a baitfish. Its jointed body and lifelike movement can attract predatory fish, making it an effective lure for a variety of species.

Versatility: This lure can be used in various fishing environments, including freshwater and saltwater. It is effective in both still waters, such as lakes and ponds, and moving waters, such as rivers and streams. It can be used for both casting and trolling.

Attractive appearance: The Sebile Magic Swimmer comes in a variety of colors and finishes, including realistic patterns and vibrant hues. This makes it visually appealing to fish and can increase its effectiveness in different water conditions.

Durability: The lure is constructed with high-quality materials, including tough ABS plastic and durable hardware. It can withstand the rigors of fishing, such as rocks, snags, and toothy fish, without easily breaking or getting damaged.
Price: The Sebile Magic Swimmer is generally more expensive compared to some other fishing lures on the market. The higher price point may deter some anglers who are looking for more affordable options.

Complexity: The lure’s jointed design and multiple sections can make it more complex to use and maintain. It requires proper rigging and may take some time for anglers to get used to its swimming action and retrieve techniques.

Limited depth range: While the Magic Swimmer is effective in various fishing environments, it may have limitations in deeper water. Its swimming action is best suited for shallow to mid-depth areas, and it may not perform as well in deepwater situations.

Tendency to snag: Due to its design and swimming action, the lure may have a higher risk of getting snagged or fouled in vegetation, rocks, or underwater structures. This can lead to frustration and potential loss of the lure.

LIVETARGET Sunfish Hollow Body

The LIVETARGET Sunfish Hollow Body is a soft plastic bait that is designed to mimic a sunfish swimming on the surface of the water. It has a realistic appearance, with a textured body, fins, and scales that make it look like a live fish. The lure has a weedless design, with the hook hidden inside the body, which makes it ideal for fishing in areas with a lot of vegetation.

The LIVETARGET Sunfish Hollow Body has a lifelike swimming action that can entice arapaima to strike. It is a versatile bait that can be fished in a variety of ways, including on the surface, just below the surface, or as a slow-sinking bait. Anglers have had success using the LIVETARGET Sunfish Hollow Body for arapaima fishing, as well as for other game fish species like largemouth bass and pike.

Realistic appearance: The LIVETARGET Sunfish Hollow Body is meticulously designed to imitate the appearance of a sunfish, including its body shape, color patterns, and detail. The lifelike presentation can be highly effective in attracting predatory fish that feed on sunfish.

Topwater action: This lure is designed to be fished on the surface of the water, creating a commotion and enticing strikes from fish. The realistic swimming action, combined with the noise and disturbance it creates, can trigger aggressive responses from bass and other game fish.

Versatility: While primarily designed for bass fishing, the LIVETARGET Sunfish Hollow Body can attract a range of predator species, including pike, muskie, and walleye. It can be used in various freshwater environments, such as lakes, ponds, and rivers.

Weedless design: The lure features a hollow body with a weedless hook configuration, which helps prevent snagging on vegetation and underwater structures. This design allows anglers to fish in areas with heavy cover, where predatory fish often lurk.
Limited depth range: The LIVETARGET Sunfish Hollow Body is primarily a topwater lure, which means it is most effective when fished on the surface or just below. It may not be suitable for deeper water or situations where fish are holding at different depths.

Retrieval technique: To achieve the best action, the lure requires a specific retrieval technique that involves imparting a walk-the-dog or pop-and-stop action. This technique may take some practice to master, and beginners may need some time to get accustomed to it.

Durability: While the lure is generally well-made, the soft body can be prone to wear and tear after extended use, especially if it encounters toothy fish or sharp objects. Regular inspection and replacement of worn-out parts may be necessary to maintain its effectiveness.

Price: The LIVETARGET Sunfish Hollow Body tends to be priced at a higher range compared to some other topwater lures. This higher cost may be a consideration for anglers who are looking for more affordable options.

Megabass Ito Vision 110

The Megabass Ito Vision 110 is a popular jerkbait lure known for its lifelike appearance and erratic action, making it an effective choice for targeting a variety of freshwater and saltwater fish species. While the Ito Vision 110 is primarily designed for bass fishing, it can potentially be used for arapaima fishing as well, particularly if they are known to feed on smaller baitfish or prey items.

When using the Megabass Ito Vision 110 for arapaima fishing, there are a few considerations to keep in mind:

  1. Size and Color Selection: Arapaima typically feed on larger prey, so it’s important to choose a larger-sized Ito Vision 110 lure that closely matches the size of their preferred forage. Additionally, select colors that resemble the baitfish or prey species that arapaima commonly feed on in your fishing location.
  2. Retrieve Technique: The Ito Vision 110 is designed to mimic the erratic swimming action of injured or fleeing baitfish. Experiment with different retrieval techniques, such as jerking and pausing the lure, to imitate the movements of wounded prey. This can help trigger a predatory response from arapaima.
  3. Target Structure and Cover: Arapaima are often found near submerged structure, fallen trees, or other forms of cover. Cast the Ito Vision 110 near these areas and work it around the structure to increase your chances of attracting arapaima.
  4. Heavy-Duty Gear: As arapaima are powerful fish, it’s crucial to use heavy-duty fishing gear capable of handling their strength. Ensure your rod, reel, and line can withstand the intense fights arapaima are known for.
Realistic appearance: The Megabass Ito Vision 110 is meticulously designed to mimic the look and movement of a baitfish. It features detailed color patterns, 3D eyes, and a realistic profile that can deceive predatory fish into striking.

Versatility: This lure is effective in both freshwater and saltwater environments, making it suitable for a wide range of fishing scenarios. It can be used to target various species, including bass, pike, muskie, walleye, and inshore saltwater game fish.

Erratic action: The Ito Vision 110’s unique suspending and darting action makes it highly effective at triggering reaction strikes from fish. The lure mimics the erratic movements of an injured or fleeing baitfish, which can entice predatory fish to strike out of instinct or aggression.

Quality construction: Megabass is known for producing high-quality fishing lures, and the Ito Vision 110 is no exception. It is built with durable materials, features sturdy hardware, and is designed to withstand the demands of fishing, including rocks, snags, and toothy fish.
Price: The Megabass Ito Vision 110 is considered a premium fishing lure and is typically priced at a higher range compared to many other jerkbaits on the market. The higher cost may be a drawback for anglers looking for more affordable options.

Learning curve: The lure’s action requires a specific jerking and pausing retrieve technique to maximize its effectiveness. Beginners may need some practice and experimentation to get the hang of working the lure properly and enticing strikes from fish.

Susceptible to snags: Like most jerkbaits, the Ito Vision 110 can be prone to snagging or getting caught in vegetation, structure, or other underwater obstacles. Anglers need to be mindful of the lure’s depth and surroundings to minimize the risk of losing or damaging the lure.

Limited depth range: While effective in various fishing situations, the Ito Vision 110 is primarily a mid-depth jerkbait. It may not perform as well in extremely shallow or deepwater conditions where a different style of lure might be more suitable.
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